
The Syndication Report is available to any merchant who has signed up to the feature and provides you with a unique lens into the performance of your products or services across diverse platforms. With the flexibility of user roles, we can lock down information, ensuring that syndication reports are precisely tailored to individuals need. Whether it's the merchant, a specific email address, parent groups, or sub-account groups, syndication reporting is designed to offer customisable visibility.

It's important to note that while aggregated statistics, such as the number of reviews, are readily accessible, the granular details of individual reviews may be concealed based on specific permissions. Furthermore, syndicated reviews remain discreet about their origin.

Report Statistics

The report shows:


Owned reviewsDefinition: number of published syndicate-able reviews collected by the selected merchant.

Calculation: COUNT DISTINCT published reviews from the selected merchant. The product must be in the product catalogue and have a Product Group ID for syndication.

Owned + Network ReviewsDefinition: number of all published syndicate-able reviews collected by both selected merchants and other merchants.

Calculation: COUNT DISTINCT published reviews from the selected merchant and other merchants.

Number of Products that Cannot be Syndicated

Definition: number of products in your catalogue that are missing GTIN and/or EAN - without this data your products cannot be matched across our network and you won’t be able to benefit from network reviews.

Calculation: COUNT DISTINCT Product SKUs that don’t have a Product Group ID.

Top 10 products - Owned ReviewsDefinition: the top 10 products have the highest number of collected reviews.
Top 10 products - Owned Reviews + Network ReviewsDefinition: the top 10 products have the highest number of syndicate-able reviews from all merchants.

Report Filters

You can amend the Syndication report by:

Merchant Names (s)Your unique Feefo identifier or account name.
Tag Key(s)The identifier or name associated with a piece of data. It serves as a label or reference to access the corresponding value. Keys are typically strings, but they can also be numbers or other data types, depending on the programming language or data structure.

Tag Value(s)

The actual data associated with a key. It represents the information or content that the key is labelling. Values can be of various data types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or even nested key-value pairs.
Product Group ID
The unique identifier assigned to a group or category of related products.
Product SKU
Stock Keeping Unit - The unique alphanumeric code or identifier assigned to a specific product to facilitate inventory tracking and management. SKUs are internal codes used by businesses to distinguish and manage individual items within their inventory.
Product NameThe designated label or title assigned to a specific item or service.
The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
Language (or locale) the feedback is collected in. Different versions of widgets can have different locales.


Report Columns

The report can be sorted and filtered by the following columns:

Merchant Names (s)
Your unique Feefo identifier or account name.
Product Group IDThe unique identifier assigned to a group or category of related products within a system or database.
Product NameThe designated label or title assigned to a specific item or service  
SKUStock Keeping Unit - The unique alphanumeric code or identifier assigned to a specific product to facilitate inventory tracking and management. SKUs are internal codes used by businesses to distinguish and manage individual items within their inventory.
GTIN/EANThe Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
Owned ReviewsNumber of published syndicate-able reviews collected by the selected merchant.

Calculation - COUNT DISTINCT reviews from the selected merchant.
Avg product score owned reviewsDefinition: average product score of own collected reviews.

Calculation: AVG(product score) from the selected merchant.

Owned Reviews + Network Reviews
Definition:  number of all published syndicate-able reviews collected by both selected merchants and other merchants.

Calculation: COUNT DISTINCT reviews from the selected merchant and other merchants.

Avg Product Score Owned Reviews + Network ReviewsDefinition: average product score of syndicate-able all reviews from the selected merchant and other merchants.

Calculation: AVG(product score) from the selected merchant and other merchants.

Network Reviews Only

Definition: number of published syndicate-able reviews collected by other merchants. This is technically equal to (Distinct Review Syndicated - Own Collected Reviews).

Calculation: COUNT DISTINCT reviews from other merchants